Campaign 2020: Close the door!
For the Safety Fortnight, which will take place from Saturday 19 September to Sunday 4 October, the FPS Interior has revamped its website and added new themes (close your doors, electricity and other fire hazards, safe parties, preventing fires outside your home, etc.). You will find out what you need to do to protect yourself against fire and CO poisoning, whether inside your house, in your garden or during the holidays. You'll also find plenty of advice on what to look out for at a barbecue or if you want to cook at a festival. This website is not something that is set in stone. The information it contains is regularly updated and expanded. In the near future, for example, a video made from images of a real fire will be put online. The images come from a study carried out by ANPI for the FPS Interior on the effect of closing interior doors. For the purposes of this study, a fire was set in a house with two identical rooms (one with the door open, the other with the door closed). A video clip illustrating the result of this study will be used to raise awareness of the importance of closing interior doors.
The "Safety Fortnight" is part of the FPS Interior's support policy for emergency areas. Its aim is to raise awareness and make citizens more responsible. We address both the citizen and the fire prevention advisor.
Close the door!
The message we want to send to citizens through this prevention campaign is the following: closing the interior doors of their home, especially at night, is of vital importance and the installation of a sufficient number of smoke detectors is necessary, because the sound of a smoke detector is less audible when a door is closed.
Most victims of domestic fires die from toxic smoke, not from the fire itself.
Today's homes are filled with materials, such as plastics, which quickly give off a lot of highly toxic fumes in the event of a fire. This often reduces the time you have to get out of your home safely to just 3 minutes!
The longer you can keep the smoke in one area of your home and limit its spread, the longer the other areas remain safe enough not to have to escape through the smoke. This increases the time available to get out safely.
This is why the rather direct message "Close the door! After all, most of us are not in the habit of closing the interior doors of our homes.