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Published on 19 Sep 2024

In bed, only burn with desire. Don't smoke in bed

Smoking is one of the main causes of domestic fires. A simple gesture, such as carelessly putting out a cigarette, can cause a catastrophe. To protect your home and your loved ones, adopt the right reflexes.  

Discover our practical advice on how to prevent smoking-related fires during the Safety Fortnight campaign: ‘In bed, burn only with desire. Don't smoke in bed’. 

  • Avoid smoking in confined spaces 

Smoking in bed or in an armchair is particularly dangerous. If you fall asleep, the fire can spread quickly to the fabric and cause a fire. Prefer outdoor areas for smoking and always ensure that your cigarette is extinguished in a stable, non-flammable ashtray. 

ANPI recommends that you install several BOSEC-certified smoke detectors in your home. This label guarantees you reliable equipment that complies with international standards and is of the highest quality to protect your family. 

Are you unsure about your current smoke detector? Can't find a BOSEC smoke detector? Contact us:  

  • Put out your cigarette properly 

A poorly extinguished cigarette butt can be the cause of many accidents. Use an ashtray filled with water to ensure that combustion has stopped completely. When outdoors, choose areas free of combustible materials and never throw your cigarette butt on the ground. 

  • Protect children 

Children are particularly attracted to fire. Keep lighters and matches out of their reach, in a secure, locked place. 

  • Be vigilant in the presence of oxygen 

Oxygen considerably accelerates the spread of a fire. If someone is using medical oxygen at home, never smoke near it because of the high risk of explosion. 

  • Beware of electronic cigarettes 

Electronic cigarettes are also a fire hazard. Always charge your battery with the original charger, never leave the device unattended while charging, and only use compatible batteries. 

  • Conclusion

Prevention is your best defence against fire. By applying these tips, you can considerably reduce the risk of fire caused by smoking. Stay vigilant and share these good practices with your friends and family. 


PS: Smoking seriously damages your health and that of those around you. 

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