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Published on 14 Jun 2021

As a reminder, following the entry into force of BREXIT, CE certification is no longer valid in Great Britain. (See also our article "Since 01.01.2021, the Brexit is effective - the situation of CE certificates" in Fire & Security Alert Magazine n° 22, March 2021).

ANPI has just signed two important agreements with the BSI:

 Memorandum of understanding (Recognition of tests)
 CE/UKCA agreement
From now on, the tests carried out by our laboratories are recognised and the audit reports of our Certification division are taken into consideration by BSI.  ANPI can therefore intervene and assist you in the application for UKCA certification. 
To do this, you need to present :

 the test report from the ANPI laboratories ;
 the last ANPI audit report (with the solution of possible non-confirmities and the acceptance of corrective action plans if any);
 the technical file of your product.
The BSI will review the technical file and, on this basis, grant the UKCA certificate. 
Thereafter, the annual audit for UKCA will be conducted by BSI, as the requirements are different.

To facilitate communication with BSI, you can authorise ANPI to communicate directly with BSI (e.g. in case of questions in the reports).

More information on UKCA certification : 
Do not hesitate to contact:









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