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Published on 04 Jun 2024

We regularly discuss them in our magazine and on our social networks. They are frequently cited as references in our publications and Technical Files... ANPI Technical Notices occupy a specific place among technical prescription references. What exactly are they for?

Why does ANPI develop NTNs?

The following are best practices: if a technical standard exists, it should be used; this is the state of the art and the minimum that may be required. The fact that it is mentioned in a royal decree, specifications, a fire prevention report, an insurer's prevention file, etc. gives the standard a certain legitimacy. A standard can clarify a situation and remove any ambiguity: its use and respect are strongly recommended and promoted by ANPI. Technical Notices (NTN) are established under the supervision of the Standardization Division of ANPI with the collaboration of other divisions and professional experts in order to define or specify test, control and certification procedures.

Technical Notices (NTNs) are most relevant when:

  • A technical standard does not exist;
  • The standard is incomplete in certain aspects;
  • A requirement written in two lines in the standard requires a broader set of explanations for correct implementation.

As soon as an official standard fully covers a field covered by an NTN, the NTN is no longer useful and must be deleted and replaced by this standard. It should be noted that some ANPI NTNs have been recognized by stakeholders in our fields of activity and have then served as the basis for the establishment of official standards. We will illustrate this here with a current example: our Technical Notice NTN 177-L, dedicated to smoke and flame video fire detection systems, which supplemented the Technical Specification ISO/TS 7240-29, all the technical requirements of which have now been integrated into the ISO 7240-29 standard which has just been officially published.

With regard to a matter where technical requirements are not clearly defined, we can take the example of emulsifies for foam extinguishing systems and appreciate the place occupied by ANPI NTNs in the process.

"Product Managers" are attached to each ANPI division and ensure normative watch. In addition, they participate in the development of these Technical Notices, but also in many standardization groups, both at Belgian and European level.

The 3 main types of Technical Notices:

  • Laboratory activity-related notices (-L): These notices are related to laboratory activities and provide guidance on testing and analysis procedures.

  • Inspection activity-related notices (-I): These notices are related to inspection activities and provide guidance on inspection methods and criteria.

  • Certification activity-related notices (-C): These notices are related to certification activities and provide guidance on certification requirements and procedures.

ANPI Technical Notices are recognized by all stakeholders, including insurers. They are regularly referenced in specifications and represent a significant technical added value for installations. ANPI Technical Notices are registered with the Legal Deposit Service of the Royal Library of Belgium, which also gives them legitimacy. Most ANPI Technical Notices are available in the two national languages, but can also be written in English depending on the subject matter.

Who participates in the development of ANPI NTNs?

  • ANPI on its own initiative, with the involvement of its Divisions: ANPI plays a leading role in the development of NTNs, drawing upon the expertise of its various divisions.

  • ANPI Members, representing all market players interested in fire and intrusion prevention: ANPI Members actively participate in the development of NTNs, ensuring that the needs and concerns of all stakeholders are considered.

  • Various working groups, for example the members of the BOSEC or ANPI brand committees: ANPI collaborates with various working groups to develop NTNs, bringing together experts from different fields.

Quelques NTN ANPI :

  • NTN 105-C - Approval of extinguishers by insurers
  • NTN 161-L - Extinguishing agents : Part L : Requirements and laboratory tests
  • NTN 161-C - Extinguishing agents : Part C : Certification scheme
  • NTN 167-L - Smoke alarm devices additional requirements for the brand BOSEC
  • NTN 168-C - Firefighting foams - Quality - Percentage
  • NTN 168-I - Inspection of firefighting foams - Foam concentrates quality - Foam-water solution (%)
  • NTN 168-L - Firefighting foams - Quality - Percentage
  • NTN 174-I - Bundled specification forinspection and maintenance of aboveground steel-bolted storage tanks as watersource for water-based fire protectionsystems in accordance with CEA 4001, FM4020, NFPA 22 and EN 12845
  • NTN 185-L - Specifications for automatic triggering of extinguishing modules for commercial kitchens - Part L: Complementary requirements to EN 17446
  • NTN 184-C - Remote testing and monitoring of sprinkler systems - Part C - Certification

Most of the Technical Notices established by ANPI are available on the e-shop of our website.


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